Levees & Flood Control
Preventing Disasters
Ceres has extensive experience in flood control and has constructed or repaired levees from North Dakota to Puerto Rico to assist in flood control operations. Clients include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other Federal government agencies, state governments, local municipalities and levee districts.
Services include:
- Earthen levees and dams
- Concrete floodwall systems
- Specialty foundations including
grout injection and pilings
- Marine work
- Slurry walls
- Sheet piling and cofferdam systems
- Pumps structures and controls

Case Study: Terrebonne Upper Reach F
Upper Reach F is a 2.89 mile levee segment of the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Project in Houma, LA. The entire Morganza to the Gulf Project for the Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District will consist of approximately 72 miles of earthen levee with 12 floodgate structures when complete.
Ceres is currently constructing the new levee embankment which will require up to 1.2 million cubic yards of off-site borrow material, and 28,000 tons of rip rap to be placed along the Houma Navigational Canal.
The levee’s centerline leads directly through existing marshlands, requiring innovative placement techniques and specialized equipment to facilitate construction through standing water. The project will be completed in spring of 2014.

Case Study: Des Moines, IA Birdland
The Birdland Levee Improvements Project was performed in response to the 2008 major flooding in Des Moines, Iowa. The project included the construction of approximately two miles of earthen levee, six concrete gatewell structures, two pump station modifications, a concrete floodwall, and a 50,000 pound steel closure gate structure.
In order to limit the impacts of the river level on the construction progress, an expedited schedule was used to complete the sensitive work near the river before the high water season. Work was performed on a 24-hour schedule and the critical section of the levee was finished in approximately three weeks.
The concrete structures were integrated in to the existing sanitary and storm sewer networks. In order to provide the highest level of flood protection, concrete work continued through the Iowa winter with temperatures reaching well below freezing. The construction areas were heated to keep the concrete temperatures at required levels. Because of these efforts, sections of the levee near residential areas had the required protection level in time for the spring flood season.
The project was completed in 2012, after which Ceres received an “Outstanding” performance review from the USACE.

Case Study: Hammond, IN Floodwall
In 2009, Ceres began construction of The Little Calumet River Stage VII Flood protection project for the USACE. The project is located along the Little Calumet River in Munster and Hammond, Indiana. The project involved construction of 10,400 linear feet of concrete flood wall, 150,000 square feet of steel sheet piles, 36,000 cubic yards of dirt embankment, 8,000 tons of rip rap, and storm drainage works. The project also involved construction of two gatewell structures, four bridge closure structures and pump station structure.
Ceres managed seven specialized subcontractors in completing the flood structures. Various challenges were encountered during the project including: its close proximity to a residential area, numerous underground utilities and the need for flood protection during the times of high water at the Little Calumet River.